Find & compare child car seats


New rating method from 2021
Ratings key
Rear facing
Forward facing
Child Car Seats - Make the Safest Choice The methods for assessing child car seats are continually revised. Updates to test protocols mean that child car seats rated from 2021 cannot be compared to those rated when older assessment methods were used.
Child Car Seats - Make the Safest Choice All seats on this website comply with the Australian Standard and provide good protection. CREP ratings indicate the comparative safety a seat provides its occupant under certain test conditions, and how easily it can be used.


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You must select at least two or three seats to compare.

Age range (multiple select)


Age ranges are a minimum. If your child still fits in their current seat, don't change it until they are too big for it.


Type of child car seat (multiple select)

Brand or model

{{data.seats_of_type_brand_seat.length}} model{{data.seats_of_type_brand_seat.length != 1 ? 's' : ''}} found
{{grouping.types.length == 1 ? 'Single mode' : 'Convertible'}} ({{data.seats_of_rating_scheme[state.rating_scheme][grouping.type_ids_concat].length}})  {{ ? '►' : '▼'}}
  • +
    {{type.mode_name}} {{type.age_text_short}}
    {{type.mode_name_short}}, {{type.age_text_short}} {{type.mode_name}}
  • {{seat.brand_title}} {{seat.product_name}} {{seat.series_model}}{{seat.tested_as_id ? '*' : ''}} {{seat.brand_title}} {{seat.product_name}} {{seat.series_model}}
    Planned to be tested**
    {{seat.rrp | currency : '$' : 2 : '-'}} rrp -
    {{seat.rrp | currency : '$' : 2}} rrp -
    {{seat.user_feedback_summary.average | decimalToPercent : 0 : '-'}} ({{ seat.user_feedback_summary.count}}) -
    {{seat.rrp | currency : '$' : 2 : '-'}} rrp -
    • ***
* This product is a variation of the model tested.
** Planned to be tested.
*** Not tested in forward facing mode.